In which I envision a world without police (and with good things in place of them). — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on Saturdays and more. Thank you. Follow Jason on Twitter:…
Category: Podcast Episodes

ABC #143: Cops Are Bad
In which I talk about why cops are bad and cannot be reformed. (Contains part of ABC #15 plus new material.) — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on Saturdays and more. Thank…

ABC #142: Poetry Fridays with Lois P. Jones
In which Lois P. Jones reads her poetry. Lois P. Jones was the shortlist prize winner for two poems in the 2018 Terrain Poetry Contest judged by Jane Hirschfield. Other awards include the Lascaux Poetry Prize, the Bristol Poetry Prize judged by Liz Berry and the Tiferet Poetry Prize, with work thrice listed for the…

ABC #141: Media Narratives Of Protest (with David Rovics)
In which I present an episode of the podcast This Week with David Rovics. David discusses corporate media myths about unrest in the streets. You can find more of David’s music and conversation at You can also find previous interviews with David at Just type “rovics” into the search bar. — This show…

ABC #140: Farwa Reads (June 2020)
In which Farwa Zaidi joins me for our monthly book segment. This month, in light of the national protests over yet more police murders, Farwa talks about the memoirs of two black men: How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones, and What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker by Damon Young. You can…

ABC #139: How Dogs See Us
In which I read “Who My Dog Thinks I Am,” a piece by Taylor Plimpton from the summer 2020 issue of Tricycle, a Buddhist magazine. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on…

ABC #138: Picking My Battles
In which I talk about getting in fewer fights than I used to. Also there’s a short song. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on Saturdays and more. Thank you. Follow Jason…

ABC #137: Poetry Fridays with Sparrow
In which Sparrow reads his poetry. Sparrow lives in Phoenicia, New York, in the shadow of Roemer Mountain. He cooks every day. Small Happiness & Other Epiphanies will come out this fall from Monkfish. You can hear Sparrow on the podcast Baffling Combustions and also follow him on Twitter. — This show is only possible…

ABC #136: Robbed!
In which I talk about identity theft, chatting online with friends, and the Arrowverse. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on Saturdays and more. Thank you. Follow Jason on Twitter: @jasondcrane Follow…

ABC #135: Where Are We?
In which I continue to grapple with where the heck we’re at in this whole pandemic thing, and talk about why I’m feeling more and more out of step with mainstream society. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today….

ABC #134: Two Years! (with Owen Crane)
In which Owen and I celebrate our second wedding anniversary. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on Saturdays and more. Thank you. Follow Jason on Twitter: @jasondcrane Follow Jason on Instagram: @jasondcrane…

ABC #133: Happy Towel Day!
In which I talk about my love for Douglas Adams and The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, and how both changed my life. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Members get a weekly bonus episode on Saturdays and…