- ABC #81: Cats And Dogs Living Together
In which some choral music about a cat and a Buddhist story about a dog gets me thinking about the interconnectedness of all things.
This show is only possible because of ...
- ABC #80: Ideological Purity Sucks
In which I talk about how life ain’t all one way or the other.
This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and ...
- ABC #79: Oh No! I Voted!
In which I respond to a Twitter bozo who told me I couldn’t be an anarchist because I voted on Tuesday.
This show is only possible because of people like you. ...
- ABC #78: You’re Gonna Die
In which I discuss your impending demise and what you might want to do as a result.
This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s ...
- ABC #77: The End Is Nigh!
In which I talk about what the future is probably going to be like here on Earth.
This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s ...
- ABC #76: Predicting The Future Is Hard
In which my son turning 17 causes me to reflect on how wrong I was about the course I thought my life would take 17 years ago.
This show is only ...
- ABC #75: First Friday Poetry with Jessica Smith
In which Jessica Smith reads from her new book How To Know The Flowers, available now from Veliz Books.
This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A ...
- ABC #74: I Think I’m Bad At Meditating
In which I talk about how different my experience of meditation has been from the way it’s described in books and such.
This show is only possible because of people like ...
- ABC #73: An Update On My Health And Whatnot
In which I talk about the positive changes I’ve made over the past two weeks.
This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page ...
- ABC #72: Food As Love, Part 2 (with Owen Crane)
In which Owen and I talk about the way Owen uses food as an expression of love.
This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s ...